Carmine Fixes the Road

Have you ever doubted the power of one person speaking up?

Well, don’t doubt that your voice can make a difference! One of our friends near Atlanta has shown us that in a very real way.

Meet Carmine Vara. He’s a guy who loves to be on the go. He works part time at Stone Mountain Park and he even has his own small business selling custom buttons he makes. He’s also a high school classmate of ConnectAbility Board Member Thomas Odom.


But Carmine had a problem – the road he travelled to get to work was riddled with potholes and he was tired of bouncing around in the back of his van. He did more than just complain about it though. He called in the Big Guns at 11 Alive. Apparently Carmine is a big fan of 11 Alive and made an impression when he called them. They jumped into action and called DeKalb County to come out and check the road. Soon after the inspection, the road was repaved. Carmine loves to share the story of the road he fixed and 11 Alive again helped him do that.

How does Carmine feel about this accomplishment? In his words, “I’m happy with DeKalb County. I’m happy with everybody!”

How can you make your voice count today?