India Update
There was a great response last week when I shared the story of meeting Dr. Manju from India and shared a bit about what they hope to accomplish in the Child Development Center. I have talked to physical, occupational and musical therapists from Georgia to Texas!
Since then I have been able to get some photos that give a much clearer picture of the Center and how we can help. I’m excited to share them with you today. If you are interested in any way, please contact us and we can put you in touch with the group at PURE Ministries who is helping to spearhead this collaborative project.
Here’s a summary of the project. Dr. Manju is working to develop the Pratheeksha Child Development Center as part of the hospital where she practices.
The Vision
We care God cures
The Mission
To enable every child with challenges to live life in abundance by transforming their disability into ability with a difference
The center is already serving children and their families with physical, occupational and speech therapies. The challenge is that the therapists have limited training, especially when it comes to working with children. The goal of the US partnership with PURE Ministries is to create an opportunity for US therapists to share their skills and expertise with the therapists in India. If you are a therapist or a therapy student, you are invited to join this movement! While there are no set dates for a trip to India, if you are interested then speak up!
The Pratheeksha Child Development Center is already doing great things. Imagine what can be accomplished when we share gifts with each other!
Check out the photos…
Here is the front of the hospital where Dr. Manju works as a pediatrician. The Child Development Center is part of the hospital. It’s inside the complex shown here.
This is the outside of the new Child Development Center. Nice, huh? Let’s check out this inside:
Here are some of the therapists working with kids…
As you can see, the group is active in the community! Here is a group on World Autism Day – the whole world was lighting it up blue! You can also see a group of kids celebrating graduation.
Parent Support Group addresses the needs of families of children with disabilities.
Let’s join forces with our friends across the globe in India to make our world a better place for kids with disabilities and their families!
Dr. Manju (in pink) is ready to welcome fellow professionals to join their team! Let us know if you are interested!